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My hamster is dieing

21 12:01:48

My hamster is a 2 year old syrian male hamster. He was really lively untill yesturday, when i found him in a really weird position. His head was level with his bottom, and his legs were pointing outwards. He was sitting up in this position, next to his wheel. At first i thought he had fallen but i have read up on his symtoms and it seems like a stroke. it looks like his two frot legs are paralyzed, but i said looks like so they may not be.The are a few ledges that he could of fallen off, but i  am pretty certain it is a stroke. He can walk as i have seen him move across his cage in the night (looking at the reflection in my mirror) I turned off the lights andf made shore the were no loud noices for him, and i closed the door. Me and my family thought he was going to die last night as he made a few squeeks and at one point bit me and drew blood when i picked him up to try and feed him, which was really un like him. We know he is goin to die, how do we keep him comfortable, feed him and try to get him to drink? Or do you think he will recover? He seems to dig a little hole in his sawdust with his head and put his head in it. Last night we found him with his head in his food bowl, was he trying to eat?  

Hi Amber,

From what you have said it leads me to believe that your hamster is dying. All you can really do is try and make him comfortable as possible. Try giving him some diced apples or carrots by hand. If he will not drink from his water bottle or dish, you can try giving him liquid from a small eyedropper. Talk to him and pet him softly down his back (if he will let you) just to let him know you are there. When you found him with his head in his food dish, yes it is possible he was trying to eat. He could carry on like this for at least a week. Some hamsters are just little fighters.

Thank you for your question.