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Small lump

21 11:30:26

I was sat playing with my hamster and i put it in its play ball and as i put it in its ball i noticed a small lump on its rear end, we was told it was female, but recently we think it is a male as he has testical's like my 1st hamster. i just want to know is it important to get the lump checked out asap or just to keep an eye on it??

Hi Laura

The first thing really is to double check that your hamster is a male.  If it's a female, then the lump would need checking out.  If you're pretty certain it is a male, then their testicles can vary in size, become large at certain times or be lopsided - this is all perfectly normal.  They can get testicular cancer, but this is very rare.  If the 'lump' is bleeding, or pus coming out, then it does need checking as it could be a tumor or cyst, but if it looks OK, and your hamster is behaving normally - i.e. he is not drinking more than usual, is eating and playing normally, then I would think there is nothing to worry about.

If you are worried, then a vet would be able to examine him and put your mind at rest.