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Teddybear (Syrian) Hamster

21 11:40:28

My hamster is a year old. He is a Blonde Teddybear Hamster. I just came home from a 5-day vacation yesterday and he couldn't open either of his eyes when i brought him out to exercise, he just walked around with them shut, even after I was sure he was fully awake and alert. Today, I took him out twice and the same thing happened. I'm starting to get a bit concerned, is there anything I can do or is my hamster's health just heading downhill for good?

Hi Mandy,

    This will sometimes happen with hamsters. It is usually caused from age or too much dust in their bedding. If you are using a low dust type of bedding, then it is probably do to age. If you are using a bedding that seems to have a lot of dust in it, I would suggest switching to a bedding like Critter Care, this should help with the eye problem.
    In the meantime (or if it is from age), you can take a wet Q-tip and rub gently over the eye, from outside corner to nose, until the eye opens. Do not try to pry open the eyelid with your fingers because a hamsters eyelids are very delicate and can tear easily.
    If you have anymore questions, please write again.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!