Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I DROPPED MY HAMSTER!


21 11:36:05

It's now day 2, and my hamsters cages was filthy so we took her out of her her cage and put her on the sofa with my sister and i. Mt sister was just about to pick up to keep her away from the edge and jumped off the edge. And quickly got back on her feet again. But now she is jumpy and scared. Will she be ok. She is a syrian hamster and is 4weeks old.

Hi Millie,

Sometimes a fall from a high place can give a hamster brain damage, so pay attention to your hamster's behavior.  If she is acting erratically, and if she seems disoriented, or if she starts limping, then you'll need to take her to the vet.  Otherwise, she is probably just a bit in shock.  Be very gentle with her, and make sure she doesn't get scared.  She needs to calm down after a fall like that.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
