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my robo hamster

21 11:50:12

i got two robo hamsters this weekend and have had them for four days..i made shure they have fresh food and of them is perfectly healthy but the other one looks very sick..he wont open his eyes he trys to walk but his eyes are like glued shut and he barely moves but he is still breathing and makes me sad to watch him like this please help me!!!!


Your hamster is clearly very ill, so my best advice would be to get him to a vet a quickly as possible.
Keep the cage warm, away from draughts or sources of extreme heat. Make sure he has plenty of bedding and food, and, most importantly, fresh water.
Use a damp cotton pad and gently massage his eyes to open them. Be very, very careful, as you could easily blind him if you're not careful. Do this every day until you can get him to the vet, which should be within a few days if possible.

I hope very much he survives.
Best wishes,