Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > tumor or something else?

tumor or something else?

21 13:25:54

i read a post and am having the same problem, hope you can help. the hampster is about 2 years old and has a huge (like the size of a walnut maybe)lump on his lower half. he does not act as if it hurts, there is no secretion, and he has not changed eating or exercising habits. i really dont want to have to take him to the vet if at all possible but if its something serious i need to do what needs to be done, daughter will have a fit if something happens to him. thanks, hope you can help

It sounds like he may have a growth. How long has he had it?? If he's had it for a while it may not cause any problems at all. Your hamster is also getting pretty old as well. There's really nothing outside of a vet care that can be done for the hammy. And if it's a growth then there is really nothing to worry about. As long as it's not affecting him don't worry too much about it. It could also be a benign tumor. With any type of tumor there's not really much to do since hamsters are so small there's not much that can be done. Buy some vitamin drops for hamsters, I always tell people to use them for animals since they pick through their food so much they will not be getting the vital nourishments they need.