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Gerbil, Stroke...

21 13:25:53

My gerbil seems to have had a stroke, and he has spent the last day and a half with a noticeable limp (not moving one of his hind legs, as described by the list of symptoms). He is clearly very tired, though he seems to sleep anywhere except his own nest.

The capacity that he demonstrates for moving from place to place is encouraging (though very limited -- he gets tired quickly), but I am worried:
How long should I expect for my gerbil to recover?
What can I do to make him more comfortable, or to help him on his way to a recovery?

...And thank you very much for being a part of this wonderful service!

Hello, I must say that sometimes animals never recover from a stroke and sometimes it could take a few weeks before they recover fully. It all depends on how severe the stroke was and it's hard to tell in animals. The best thing to do is use a comfortable bedding like carefresh or soft-sorbent bedding to help him get around. Put his food and water bottle close to where he sleeps too. I would also buy some vitamin drops to put in his drinking water, this will help to give him more vital nutrients and maybe even a little energy. Good luck with everything and thank you for being so kind in your message. It really makes my day to know when people appreciate that I like to help them out. :-) I appreciate helping people. :-)