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Play time

21 11:30:53

Hi Tammy, I have several rescue hammies and I get them out individually each day to have their exercise. The two Syrian long hair guys (Mortimer and Bartholomew) wake up at the same time each night. Is it possible to have them in their respective exercise balls on the floor at the same time, or is that even too close contact for the little critters? Don't want to stress them out, one of them is 16 months and one is 5 months. They seem to use the same circuit in the room doing laps in the ball so I don't want to divide the room up. Would appreciate your opinion...thanks.

Hi KJ,

I think it would be best if you didnt put them together at all - not even when they are in separate balls.

I think it would stress them out - Syrians are very solitary - even in the wild they stay out of each others way and only come together to breed.

So i think it would be best if they stayed apart.

Kind Regards,
