Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is my gerbil ill, or just old?

Is my gerbil ill, or just old?

21 11:13:57

Hello, I hope you can help!  One of my two gerbils looks a little bit ill but I'm not sure if he's sick or just old.  He's about 2 and a half now.  He's eating and seems to be drinking OK but looks as if he is panting.  Sometimes he just goes into a corner and crouches down.  He isn't making any wheezing or clicking noises though and is still active.  The other day when he was panting his eyes were half closed and his fur was ruffled but his fur looks better now and his eyes are brighter, it's just that his breathing looks more difficult.  Do you think he could be ill, or just old?  I know gerbils sometimes get respiratory infections but there are no wheezing or clicking sounds.

Many thanks for any help you can give me, king regards.

Hi Anna

I'm sorry to hear about your gerbil.  From the description it sounds as though this is old age and his body is shutting down, although he might be ill as a result. They can get respiratory problems and also develop internal tumors which can put pressure on organs.   Is he still eating at all?  What type of cage is he in?  Is it possible to make it easier for him by moving all his food and water closeby and removing any platforms to discourage him from trying or needing to climb?  How is your other gerbil?  

Do you have a good local vet that you could get him to?  It is always a real dilemma in situations like this - whether to let them die in their own time or take them to a vet.  The key issue is whether or not he is suffering.  If you take him to a vet they will either advise euthanasia if they think that there is nothing they can do, but if they believe his behaviour is down to a respiratory infection then they may suggest trying antibiotics and or anti inflammatory.  If you decide to leave him (providing he isn't in pain) then he will probably slip away on his own, however, these little creatures have such a desire to live that it can take a few days and there is nothing worse than seeing an animal like this.  It is difficult to know if they are in pain - but when they sit hunched up with their eyes closed this is a usual indication that they are or at least are feeling very sick.

If you can get him to a vet, then I would be inclined to do this and they will be able to advise you.  If you can't, then the key thing is to make sure he is comfortable.  Check he has food and water closeby, and can't hurt himself.  

Good luck with this.
