Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hampster need help fast

hampster need help fast

21 13:31:57

i think my hampster is ill. she can't move very good she shakes alot and her one eye is closed. i have too give her water thru a eye dropper.and her feet are very cold she has lost weight. if she is going to die,how long before she does and can i do any thing to easy her.i can't stand to see her like this she is only 1 year and a few months old.

Hi Teri,

I'm sorry.  It does sound like she's dying, and that's a difficult situation.  Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing how long it will take for her to die.  Just try to make her comfortable.  Place her food next to her and make sure she has a lot of safe (Aspen or Carefresh) bedding surrounding her for a cushion.  You can take her to the vet, but I'm not sure he/she could do anything for your hamster.  Again, I'm sorry.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
