Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > HANGING


21 12:00:05

My hamsters cage has bars on the top and she is always hanging from them and trying to bite them. Then she jumps down it an awkward way and im really worried she is going to hurt herself. Is this normal hamster behavior?

                from Alix
            PLEASE HELP ME QUICK!!

Hello Ali!!

Don't worry! That sounds like normal behaviour to me! When i worked with hamsters they would spend all their day climbing on top of their water bottles and flipping off, and climbing upside down on the bars of the cage!! It is normal, and i know that it can look like they hurt themselves, but they wouldn't do it if it did! They choose to do it!!

I hope this puts your mind at rest, and feel free to ask again if you need!!
