Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I wan be a hamster breeder

I wan be a hamster breeder

21 11:37:44

can you tell me what it takes to be a breeder ??

Hello Anders,
actually it really doesn't take a lot to breed hamsters unless you plan on breeding them from a good stock. Generally the best option is to buy from a good breeder but if you want to buy two hamsters from a pet store make sure they are healthy. Make sure you have a big cage and I strongly suggest breeding dwarf hamsters as you can put the males with the males and the females with females and that will save you money on cages as well. Generally all you do is place the male and female in the cage together and they ill generally mate at night time. I mean in reality it's just really easy to breed hamsters.