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Hampster tumor??

21 11:06:26

We have a 2 -3 year old teddy bear/panda hampster.  We just got back from vacation and noticed our hampster has a very large lump/tumor on his chest area.  He is having difficultly getting around cuz the lump is now so large that it is dragging on the ground and he cannot really use his right leg.  He is eating very little, but drinking.  He cannot go into tunnels anymore, he cannot fit.  Last night we had him out and he peed blood.  I called vet, and of course they want to see him.  I just don't want $200 bill for a $12 hampster.  My kids are very concerned.  Any suggestions?

Hi Lori

I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.  Sadly hamsters of this age are very prone to getting tumors.  When tumors reach the stage where the hamster has poor quality of life unfortunately the kindest thing is to have them put to sleep.

Some vets will try to help and prolong the life of the hamster with pain relief, others opt straight for euthanasia.  It is difficult to know for sure what you would be told by a vet, but judging by the description you give I would think that euthanasia may well be the best option.

The important thing is to make sure that he doesn't suffer, and at the moment it clearly sounds as though he is feeling pretty rotten.

It would be worth perhaps phoning one or two vets and asking them what their standard fee is.  You could ask them how much it would cost to have your hamster put to sleep if that is needed.  Often vets charge a much lower fee for a hamster especially if they end up putting them to sleep.

I would strongly advise that you get him to a vet as soon as possible so that he doesn't suffer.

I hope you get on ok.
