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New Roborovski pet hamster

21 11:50:51

I have a younger female Roborovski hamster, she is very curious, but that may be the problem. Her cage is a pretty descent size, has a tube that leads to a two-hand sized see-through chamber. She loves to climb to that chamber,she constantly tries to go down the tube, but runs back into the chamber. Several times I have helped her down, but she always immediately goes back up! The last time she went back down(accidently, 'cause she fell down the tube) she ran to her food and water and plowed down most of her food. Please,please,please, tell me, is she afraid of heights? Or is she secretly eating as I sleep? I am afraid of losing her to starvation, should I try to block the tube to avoid this? Is this a problem that should be brought to attention, I really need a answer, I am a first time hamster owner, although I have experience with dogs,fish, and hermit crabs.....Still hamsters are very different, and have not many care similarities.

Hello Lisa,
Your hamster is doing the same thing that my hamster did when I first got him. He did it for about a month and I was doing the exact same thing you was doing. I would place at the bottom of the cage to get food and water and he would simply climb back up. I came to figure out that he knew how to get down he just didn't want to. In my personal opinion you can keep placing her at the bottom of the cage if you want too. There's no harm in that and I wouldn't block off the chamber that she likes to go in to so much. More than likely she goes down the tube at night time to get food and water. I kept placing my hamster at the bottom of the cage everytime I felt like he was trying to go down, he would climb right back up but at least I knew he wasn't hungry or anything and it made me feel more relaxed knowing that he wasn't hungry or thirsty if I placed him at the bottom of the cage. I think as long as it makes you relaxed knowing that when you place her at the bottom she has the opportunity to eat food and water and/or she keeps going back up the tube I say continue doing what you are doing.