Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My TeddyBear Hampster Is Sick

My TeddyBear Hampster Is Sick

21 11:36:28

Hi I Cleaned My Teddybear's hampster cage yesterday to notice he has a hole in his skin near the back of his jaw line that looks black around it on the outside and its oozing brown stuff. Do You Hvae Any Idea Whats Wrong And What I can Do To Treat It?

Hi Norma

It sounds as though your hamster needs to see a vet - this could be an abscess in which case it will need cleaning and treating so that it doesn't infect any more.

While you are waiting for the vet appointment, make sure the area is clean - you can gently wash the area in warm water.  If you can get teatree cream from the pet shop (there is a special type for animals), this is a good antiseptic, but a vet does need to check this out.
