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Bar chewing driving me crazy.......

21 11:50:52

Hi Shawntiah,
All my animals, (hamster and gerbils) all like to chew on the bars of their cage. I have tried giving them cardboard tubes, veggies, anything to take their mind off of it. My mom suggested I put vinegar on the bars to discourage them from chewing. Will this harm them? Any ideas how to get them how to stop? Because of health issues, I have had trouble sleeping and have had to put my cages out on the kitchen table at night. I don't want to do this because I hate moving them and getting them all confused.
Please help!

Hello Sarah,
my hamser chewed on his bars as well, I decided to buy grannick's bitter apple spray and spray it on the bars of the cage. Eventually he came to not like chewing on them. If vinager does the same thing I would try vinager as well. The chewing on the bars can do serious damage to their teeth and it's best to get them to stop or at least try. Good luck.