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hyper dwarf

21 13:29:52

my dwarf hamster is very, very hyper, mostly all the time. She runs in her ball twice a day, usually 20-30 minutes each time. But she sleeps very little, and is alwasy jumping around, climbing on the roof of her cage. ( I have a glass cage and a screen cover) She crawls across the cover upside down, falls, hits her house soo hard, but gets up and does it over and over again. Is there something wrong with her or is she just an active hamster!!! Thanks,

Hi Katie,

Small animals are by nature pretty hyperactive.  Be sure your hamster has plenty of things to keep her engaged, such as toys.  I love the Crittertrail Puzzle Playgrounds, since it's fun for both you and the hamster to play with!  Also, make sure she has a solid wheel with no rungs.  Let her run in her ball for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time (in case she gets thirsty or has to use the bathroom), a few times a day.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
