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girble eye infection

21 11:56:10

one of my gerbils got a nasty eye infection about a year ago and despite takeing it to the vet and useing antibiotics it deid. my other gerbil did not seem effected, but now he has got the same thing! he has droped wait, its eyes are stuck together with a red gunk and he sleeps all day
i am so worried what can i do?
thank you


Unfortunately the best thing you can do is go to the vets again and get antibiotics. There is always the chance that an animal will not respond well to the treatment, but then again it may be the best thing and totally recover!!! Without treatment the chance so your gerbil getting better are even more slim, so give it a go!!! The sooner you do this the better the gerbils chance!!!!
Whilst you wait to see the vet make sure that the gerbil is eating and drinking. If it is not you need to dropper some water into it's mouth (only a tiny amount) to make sure it doesn't become dehydrated!

Good Luck!!