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Robo Hamster..

21 11:30:30

I just bought a Robo hamster a couple weeks ago, and once i researched (after i bought her..bad idea) i found out that they live in pairs and such. I think she may be alittle bored so i was wondering if i could buy another female ( i dont want any babies) from a different litter. Im afraid they might fight to the death or something so i would like to know if i can intermix them.

Hi Shayna,

Roborovskis can live happily in pairs or small groups but only if they are used to it from a birth or a very early age.

They can also live very happily alone.

Your hamster has lived on her own for two weeks now so will probably not take kindly to another hamster intruding on her territory - she is used to living on her own now and is probbaly very happy too.  It will be very difficult to introduce another hamster to her now and it is not worth it anyway because you could end up losing both of them if they get into a fight.

Please continue to keep her on her own and give her plenty of attention and plenty of toys to keep her happy - also give her plenty of bedding to keep her warm.

Also, Roborovskis can be the most difficult hamsters to tame because they are so small and so fast, aand it is much harder again to tame them if you have more than one living together because they tend to bond with each other rather then to humans.

Good luck and Kind Regards,
