Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster has a broken leg

My hamster has a broken leg

21 11:14:21

one day i was playing with my hamster and it fell off the computer desk and has broken its leg! I hadn't realized it until the next few days. It looks swollen and like the bone might be sticking out a little. I'm not sure what to do yet. He limps around and mostly stays in his little bed. He can run around fine, when i hold him he is very active. I live in China so the vets aren't the best to go to so i don't have much of a choice! please help me if you can. =)

ANSWER: Hi Courtney

Broken legs usually heal on their own.  However, you do need to check it - you say that you think that the bone might be sticking out - if so, then this does cause me some concern.  In situations like this a vet should be consulted as there is a high risk of infection.  It is very difficult for a vet to treat such a tiny bone but occasionally they will find a way of immobilizing the limb if the bone is sticking out or pinning it, or opt for amputation.

Check the foot to see what color it is.  Hamster feet do feel cold anyway, but it should be pink and not blue.  If it is blue, then the leg may need amputating by a vet as circulation is being affected.

If everything looks OK - it is just swollen and the hamster doesn't want to use it much then you need to find a way of calming him down.  Remove any toys/wheels etc from his cage.  If  he is in a wire cage that he can climb put a lot of bedding on the base.  Ideally, if you can you should move him in a tank for a couple of weeks.  The plan is to stop him using his leg and if there are toys etc around him he will be tempted.  Life will be a bit boring for him for a couple of weeks but it is important that he doesn't over-use it.  You can handle him during this time, but be careful.

There is an argument about giving pain relief to hamsters with broken limbs - vets like to do this because they don't want to see any animal in pain.  However, the other argument is that if the hamster isn't in pain they will over-use the leg, whereas if it hurts they will rest more.  

Rest is the best healer for broken bones.  

If you do end up taking him to a vet and the leg is amputated, please get back in touch with me. I have had several three legged hamsters and can advise you on their care.

I hope you get on OK.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok Thanks so much ,but i wont be able to take him to the vet. I'm wondering if there's any special food to help heal it so please write back soon.
thanks alot for your help im pretty sure he will turn out ok!


Hi Courtney

It is important that hamsters are given a well balanced diet anyway. Ideally you should feed him the dry mix that contains seeds, nuts etc.  In addition small pieces of fresh vegetables/fruit daily are good - avoid giving lettuce as this can cause diarrhoea, but cabbage, corn on the cob, peas, broccoli, spinach, apple, grapes etc. are fine. Avoid citrus fruit such as oranges.  You can also feed small pieces of cheese or scrambled egg - I give mine a tiny amount of this every couple of weeks as a treat due to the high fat content.  If you alternate the fresh food, this will ensure that your hamster gets a well balanced diet.  Calcium will help his bones, but you don't have to give any supplement if you vary his diet as calcium is contained in vegetables as well as diary products.

You could also try giving him human baby food for a week or two as this is highly nutritious, however, you must make sure he has plenty of hard foods to eat as well otherwise his teeth will overgrow - if his dry mix doesn't contain many hard foods, add some dog biscuits to the mix and any treats you give him make sure they are ones that he has to gnaw.

I hope he gets on OK.  
