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dying hamster and how to keep a hamster healthy

21 13:30:52

I took Snickers to the vet last week and they gave her medicine for her sickness. She has namonia. She got worse yesterday so I took her to the vet again and they put her on an oxygen mask and gave her a shot. She is still sick and the vet said there was nothing else they could do. Right now she is dying and I was wondering if I should hold her and keep her company or if I should leave her alone.

Also, although it may be too late for Snickers, do you know any way that I can prevent my other hamsters from getting respiratory infections?

Hi Alexa,

I'm sorry about Snickers.  Feel free to keep her company, especially if it makes you feel better by being beside her.

To help prevent respiratory infections, make sure you use either Aspen bedding or Carefresh.  (Pine and cedar beddings cause respiratory infections, and it's a shame they're still sold in stores.)  Also, make sure to clean their cages weekly (use a gentle soap, not dish detergent or ammonia, as they're too pungent) to prevent bacteria buildup, and remove old food from their cages after 24 hours.  And make sure that no chemicals are sprayed around them - Febreeze, air fresheners, and things of that nature.

Once again, I'm sorry.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
