Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > i think my hamster is dying

i think my hamster is dying

21 12:00:32

today when i checked my hamster about 20 days old she was cold to the touch and she couldnt move she is breathing but not well is she dying? or might she have a chance? is she suffering?

  thank you

it does seem like she isn't going to make it without a vets medical attention. Have you looked at her bottom for any signs of diarrhea? How long has she been acting this way? As far as suffering I do not know, it's a possible chance she could be suffering since she is obviously not feeling well. I don't think she will make it through another day by the way you have described her. I really do want to say she could make it because I don't want your hammie to die, but I do think you should prepare for the worst.