Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamsters.


21 13:30:24

I wonder if hamsters communicate in spanish or english. Do hamsters only see white and gray, or do they see colorful things like us. Please write back today. I need your name and info. about the hamsters, because I am doing a project about hamsters

Dear Jackie,
thank you for your question.
Hamster communicate in Hamsterish. They have very little vocal communication because they are solitary animals. They scream when they are angry, squeak when frightened and chatter their teeth to show aggression or fear. Young hamsters have a contact call, it's mainly ultrasonic, but humans can hear part of it (a very high pitched keening).
Apart from that, they communicate in body language. Aggression or dominance is shown by sitting up on the hindlegs, sometimes blowing up the cheek pouches and raising the forelegs. Inferior or young hamsters walk high-legged and show the dominant hamster their behind, tail raised high. If a hamster is defeated in a fight, it will turn on its back and keep still, the dominant hamster will leave it alone then.

Hamsters have only black and white vision and cannot recognize colours. They are far-sighted and don't rely much on their eyes to find their way around. Smell, hearing and touch are much more important for them.
I hope I was of some help to you