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Bedding. Asap

21 11:37:42

i have a pregnant syrian hamster and have done extensive research on how to take
care of pregnant hamsters and what to do and how to do it but am very confused
as to what bedding i should use for her..ive read not to use fluff as the babies
would get stuck and/or injured in the bedding ive also read to use toilet paper
but im just concerned about her and want her to be as comfortable as i can
possibly make her

Hi Jaimie

You are right - do NOT use the fluffy bedding.  This can get caught around a hamster's leg and cut off circulation.  I have ended up fostering a few hamsters where this has happened - in fact I've got one now who came in with a missing foot - and it's pretty certain this was caused by the bedding.

If you can, get the bedding that looks like shredded tissue paper (it's called 'paper wool')  This will be fine for them.  Separate it a bit before you put it in the cage as it can come in clumps, but once you've done that the mum will sort it out for her babies.  If you can't get this, you can use toilet paper or kitchen rool - rip it up into small pieces first.
