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my dwarf hampsters

21 11:55:49

i have 6 babies born the 18'th i am pretty sure i wanted to know how long does it take for them to grow when do i clean out the cage and when is the right time to wean them  

Dear Andrea,
thank you for your question.
The babies will be fully grown when they are 21 days old, that's when they stop drinking their mother's milk completely (they will start eating hamster food before that). Seperate them from their mother and males from females when they are 28/29 days old.
Don't clean out the cage at all right now, just the toilet corner. You can change part of the bedding when the babies start to explore outside the nest (when they are about 2 weeks old), but I wouldn't clean the complete cage until the babies have left their mother.
I hope I was of some help to you