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discharge on hamster

21 13:26:17

My daughter has a black bear hamster (or maybe a panda bear hamster - black and white fur)  We went on vacation and my daughter's friend took care of the hamster while we were gone, this friend had a hamster of her own at one time.  We were gone a week and it came back with a red bump above its nose, then turned into a scab that doesn't seem to be getting worse, but I've been keeping watch over it.  Today my daughter said that one of its claws is red.  It looks hurt.  As I was checking if there was more things wrong on it I noticed a whitish glob of stuff, near the back end of the hamster.  It doesn't look like it is from the anus.  It doesn't seem sick, but all these problems are not normal for this hamster.  She does not handle the hamster roughly at all.  We are wondering what is going on with this hamster?

hello, did the person that watched your hamster have any other animals. The whitish glob could have been pus, that's what it seems like. These scabs that are forming, i'm wondering if he doesn't have mites, fleas or ticks, hmmmm... also is his tail wet as well? He could have wettail if his tail looks wet as well as his fur. Personally, it's hard to pin point what he may have because mites also cause the fur come out in most cases as well as his skin being red and scaley or flakey looking as well. Check his fur to see if there are any tiny bugs crawling around. If so i'd buy some flea and tick spray. hmmm if it looks like he's not getting better in about 2 or 3 days take your hamster to a vet to get checked out. Good luck and keep me posted. :-)