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Do you know what my hamster died of?

21 12:01:11

Well I wasn't sure who to ask on this page but I thought I might as well ask anyways. My Russian dwarf hamster died this morning but I am very confused as to why he died.
I've had hamsters before and they've all died of old age but this hamster just turned 10 months today. He seemed fine yesterday and I realised he was dead this morning. His tail was yellow and he seemed to have made a mess of himself overnight. Do you have any idea what caused his death? I'd understand if you don't know and thank you anyways.

Well to be honest he was very close to old age. He was almost a year old and dwarf hamsters only live about a year anyways. He could have had a problem that was internal and you didn't know about. Sometimes some animals will have a health problem that show up at all and one day you find your hamster isn't living anymore. I know at work i've seen hamsters playing on the wheel healthy as can be and the next minute they are dead. I call it sudden death and I normally suspect that it's probably something internal that happaned to them