Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > treats for my new 2 mo. old hamster.

treats for my new 2 mo. old hamster.

21 11:55:33

what treats can i give my new

Dear Anna,
thank you for your question.
Nuts (walnuts, hazel, peanuts without shell, cashew and macadamia - never salted or roasted) and sunflower or pumpkin seeds make good treats, but you shouldn't give more than one seed per day or one nut the size of a hazel nut every three days because they are so fatty. For Syrian hamsters, raisins (1 per day) are also fine, but dwarf hamsters shouldn't have them because they mustn't have too much sugar in their diet.
Flowers like dandelion, daisy, pansies, roses and marigold are okay when they are not treated with pesticides.
Insects like mealworms, locusts, crickets, some hard egg and yoghurt (without sugar) are good treats and will supply the hamster with the animal protein it needs. Mealworms, butterworms and waxworms are fatty and shouldn't be given too often (1 worm three times a week), but other insects can be fed once every day.
I hope I was of some help to you