Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > agression


21 12:00:14

Ok. We have had a gerbil die so we went to the pet store and got two new young gerbils and we did the speration process and at first it worked fine, then just today (oct.8.2006) my oldest gerbil started to fight with one of the younger gerbils and when ever we put them together they start fighting so we have sperated one to another
tank.  So why did they just started to fight out of know where

Hi Cody,

It is quite unlikely you will ever get an older gerbil to accept gerbils that are pet store age. Is it male of female?
It is practically impossible to put females together and get them to get on.
Males it is slightly easier, but only with gerbils that are a few weeks old.

They would have been fighting over territory, and i would recommend you take the two younger ones back out and keep them seperate. They will fight until death if given the chance, which i am sure you don't want!!

It is sad that you lost a gerbil, but the best thing you can do is give him loads of attention and love, and give him things to keep him entertained!!

I hope this helps,
If you have any other questions just ask!!
