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Weird behavior

21 11:31:43

My hampster likes to scratch the glass of it's tank.  Eat carpet, run  in it's wheel, stop, and go around it.  and the most annoying thing it is chatters at night to wake me up, and won't stop until I give it some attention.  I thought syrians were solitary?

Hi Steve

Syrian hamsters are solitary in that they must not be put with another hamster.  However, some are very friendly and chatty.  Several of mine squeak when they hear me around until I go and give them a treat.  Your hamster's behavior sounds perfectly normal - they don't actually eat the carpet, but they take fibres back to their nest as bedding.

How big is your hamster's wheel?  If a wheel isn't large enough often the hamster will either stop running in it or will walk on the outside of it - so perhaps you need to get a larger one for it - you can buy ones called 'silent spinners' which are good because they make very little sound.  Also, can you fit a climbing frame/ladders etc. in your hamsters cage?  Hamsters really like wire cages so that they can climb, so if yours is in a tank, it could be that he is bored.  Although I have to warn you that if you move him into a cage, chances are he will chew the bars - this is common as they like to grind their teeth down on them.  You need to ensure your hamster has plenty to chew - the hamster treats that are stuck on wooden sticks are good - so that he can keep his teeth short.

If his chattering is affecting you, is there another room you can move his cage into for the evening?
