Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sick panda bear hamster!

sick panda bear hamster!

21 11:31:43

I am unsure if you are familiar with this type of hamster but I have to ask this question. I dont know who else to ask!! My 7 year old son has a 1 1/2 year old hamster that has been well taken care of. He has always been very active but two nights ago, he mentioned a spot on his neck. I took Oreo (hamster) out and examined the spot. It is digusting! It looks like infection-discharge,redness,loss of fur, raw skin. He is losing fur on his back and legs and is very weak. I cleaned out the cage-very thoroughly- and tried cleaning the area under his neck but he was in lots of pain. He seems he is dying very quick and I dont know if he can be helped. He seems very thirsty and is still eating but is scratching. Could he get infection from scratching? I dont see any mites on him though. My boyfriend wont let em take him to the vet because he thinks they'll just charge us lots to put him down. My son is very upset about his sick hamster. What steps should I take at this point? I hope you can help!! Thanks so much!!!

Hi Rachel

Your hamster sounds very sick.  He really does need to see a vet so that he can get antibiotics and painkillers.  

Around this age they can start to look old and their fur condition can deteriorate.  It sounds as though he might have mange or mites, and that perhaps with the itching he has broken the skin which, as you suggest, has infected.  If this is the case he would be very uncomfortable and in pain.  Hamsters can also get cysts and abscesses - which need veterinary attention.

The fact that he is drinking so much makes me think that perhaps something more serious is going on.  It is possible that the spot he had on his neck is in fact a tumor of some sort.

I appreciate the fact that vets can charge a lot - and for many this seems unrealistic when you consider their fees in relation to a hamster. However, your hamster really needs to see one urgently so that at the very least he is no longer in any pain.  If he gets treatment now he may well survive this and live for another year.  

Have you tried phoning any vets?  It would be worth ringing round, firstly to check that they have knowledge of hamsters (as some vets have very little knowledge), and secondly if they will agree a reduced fee.  Often vets are very helpful - after all, the animal's welfare should be paramount, and they can be understanding with regard to their fees.

Good luck with this - I hope you manage to get him to a vet as soon as possible.
