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My hamster has a growth

21 12:00:39

i have a winter white hamster that has a growth on it's right hand and it's only a year plus. it's still eating right and drinking right but it's growth is growing and growing.the growth looks like a disfigured egg so it's shape is not really like an egg. when i touch it, it's quite hard but it's also quite soft. i can't bring it to the vet as i do not have enough money and my parent's won't provide me with them. please tell me what i can do to make the growth gone.  

hello, well to be perfectly honest there's nothing you can do outside of a vet's help to get rid of the growth. It sounds like it may be a tumor, but I can not be sure. Dwarf hamsters only live for about 1-2 years though and he has lived a great life. I'm sorry I didn't give you the answer that you wanted, but there really isn't anything that can be done about it. You just need to keep him happy and comfortable.