Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Lab Blocks?

Lab Blocks?

21 11:31:00

QUESTION: it sounds kinda silly but he gets so scared whenever i try to touch him and even when i bribe him with a raisin. i researched at a lot of websites online and none of their advice help. seriously, what is the sure way to go about taming the hamster or just letting him get to know me and trust me so i can just hold him in my palm and wouldn't be worried about him jumping away.

ANSWER: Hi Hallie,

Roborovskis are the smallest and fastest species of hamster and can also be the most timid too, meaning that they can be the most difficult to tame, but, this does not mean the can not be tamed!

Roborovskis can become very tame and get used to being picked up but i find that they become as tame as a Syrian - doing tricks, sitting still while being stroked, coming when called, etc.

Taming a Roborovski is just the same as taming any other hamster - you just need to be very patient and never give up!

Please read my previous answers on how to tame Robos and let me know if you need any more info.

Kind Regards,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What are lab blocks and how often should I see to it that my hamster eats it. Right now I am feeding him Kaytee Ecotrition and it says it has all the nutrients needed for hamsters. Lab blocks are brown and cylindrical, right? And they are usually big in size? Well in that bag there are brown cylinders but they are small (really small, thin cylinders). Are those lab blocks? And my hamster prefers eating corn and seeds and he eats those cylinders last when there's nothing else. He also defecates in his food bin. Is all this normal?

Hi Hallie,

i am sorry but i dont know what lab bocks are!

As long as you are feeding him a complete hamster mix then that is fine - he should be getting everything it needs from it.

I know what you are talking about when you say 'really small, thin cylinders' - all of my 30 hamsters leave these too!! and will not eat them at all.

I wouldnt worry about it too much.

Kind Regards,



Hi Hallie,

i am really sorry you thought my information was not helpful.

Please let me know how i can help you!?

I believe that as long as you are feeding your hamster a complete mix made for hamsters then it will be getting everything it needs.

I am sorry i dont know what lab blocks are, but that is not my fault!

Are you in the UK?  If you arent then maybe thats why i dont know what they are, maybe they are not sold here?

Please let me know how i can help you?

Kind Regards,
