Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hibernation?


21 12:00:00

How can I tell if Spunky (my 10 yr old daughters hamster)is hibernating? We've had her for about 3 months and everything has been going great..Spunky has been very active, eats well and always has fresh water. It got quite chilly overnight in the room she was in and now she's just laying in her wheel, not moving, and barely breathing. I've moved her to a warmer spot and have been gradually warming her up, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Should I try to rouse her or let her come out of hibernation naturally(if that's what it is)? Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated!  

hi kristi,

it takes quite a big temperature change to make a hamster hibernate, so its unlikely that this is what shes doing.
it sounds more like she may have a cold, so ur doing the right thing by keeping her warm, you could also give her some luke warm milk and honey, this will tide her over until you take her to the vets, which, yes, you will need to do. the vet will simply give her some antibiotics and send her on her way lol.

but just out of curiosity, what kind of bedding are you using? is it the fluffy bedding? if so get rid of this immediately. its dangerous as its not digestable for a hamster, the thin fibres can get caught around the limbs and neck, get stuck in the pouches, causing choking or in some cases it may be swallowed and it stuck in the digestive system. so if you are using this get the vets to check its not related to the bedding, buy paper shredded instead.

good luck! thank you for your question, ask again if you need to, and let me know how you got on.

joanne :)