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Reasons hamster may have died

21 11:53:30

Thanks for the answer...we used aspen bedding as it was recommended by several hamster sites and has no oils. We never use fluffy bedding. I guess it will remain a mystery.
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Hi, I had a winter white dwarf that was quite active and seemed completely healthy and was shocked that I found it dead two days ago. She was always quite active and drinking water, had a diet recommended by the pet store, and we even bought a book dealing with dwarf hamsters. Any ideas? My daughter's friend has begged us to take her hamster now, and I don't want to do anything wrong.
hi DJ

ths is really strange, and i cant give you a straight answer without any outstanding symptoms.

did you use the fluffy cotton wool bedding? if so this may have been a cause. it cant disolve in the digestive system, or the tiny fibres can get wrapped around the legs, neck, tongue etc and either way, it can be fatal. many people dont know this, as it is marketed as safe. if you are going to adopt your friends hamster, i suggest shredded paper bedding, if you cant find that use finely shredded, non-scented kleenex or toilet paper. other than this, dehydration, or the cold, i cannot give a more secure answer.

hamsters can hibertnate, it is possible that he was in hibernation and you mistook him for dead, don't worry about this as lots of people make this mistake and you werent to know, chances are he would have started to wake up when you touched him anyway, so this is a possible but unlikely answer.

but thank you for your question, and if you have anymore reguarding hamsters, please just ask.

joanne :)

hi DJ,

short of becoming very ill very quickly, which would usually be a result of some sort of poison, for example, plastic chew toys, air freshners etc, it does seem as though it will remain a mystery.

will you be taking your daughters friends hamster? if you are i wish you the best of luck, and im sorry you lost your new hamster :(

joanne xxx