Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPP SICK HAMSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


21 11:56:55

H3llo, and how are u this evening? me and my family are very
concerned about our hamsters wettail virus. he's 2 y3ars old and he's
suffering very badly from the virus. We believe he has been inmproving. He's
still very weak but isn't any longer balled up or hopping around the
cage. He laying on his side, and resting alot with his eyes closed
slighty and breathing slowly. We purchased medication to give to him -n- we
would like 2 know how long it would take for him to recover fully n what
are the symptons to show he's getting better.


first off id like to appologize for my slow response, work hours are very hectic this week.

seen as its winter, it sounds like your hamster may have a cold. other things you could do to help him is to clean his cage as throughly as you can as this virus as we humans know, is infectious, if you or any of your family have a cold, dont go near him as he will only catch it again.

give im lots of bedding and luke warm milk with honey may help boost his immune system. if nothing else appears to be working, he will need to go to the vets to get antibiotics.

you will know if he is getting better as he will return to his normal self, be more active, sleeping and eating more.

however i must warn you, your hamster is very old and may be on his last legs, its likely that he will pass away, so just spoil him until this time comes.

best of luck with this and thank you for your question. please let me know what happens.

joanne xxx