Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > dehydrated hamster

dehydrated hamster

21 13:27:40

Hello,  We just discovered that our dwarf robo hamster has been
without water for 3 days.  We had bought a new cage and used the
new water bottle, apparently, nothing was coming out. We have fed
him water both by hand and from a feeder.  He is breathing kind of
hard and lying in his cage.  The vet's office is closed.  What else
should I do?

thanks very much

Hi Lisa,

Continue to give your hamster water.  If you have a water bottle that works, put the tip of it up to the hamster's mouth and let him drink.  If you don't have a working water bottle right now, put fresh water into a small container and place it in the cage and show it to your hamster.  (In the future, the most reliable water bottles have ball-bearings in the tip.  Also, make sure to check the water bottle every day.  Problems can always arise with faulty water bottles.)

Also, feed your hamster small amounts of water-rich foods.  A small piece of cucumber works great.  (Avoid giving the hamster too many vegetables, as this may lead to diarrhea.)

As soon as you can, take your hamster to the vet.

I hope everything turns out all right.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
