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Dead Rodent Position

21 11:50:42

This started several months ago, and I wanted to make sure it was okay. Now and then, out of the blue, my Syrian, Pippin, will go into Dead Rodent Position- on his back, with his little front paws folded onto his chest and his little back paws tucked in. He's usually sleeping when this happens, but sometimes he'll just lay like that and look at me. It doesn't happen as much as it used to, but it's freaky sometimes. The first time it happened, I was so scared!
I just want to make sure, this is normal, right? Or is he trying to tell me something?

There's actually nothing wrong here, some syrians just find creative ways to get comfy, some will even do this curled in position on their sides. As long as the hamster has no signs of distress when its awake, then there's no problem with the position.