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My hampster just had babies........

21 11:55:45

I just bought a hampster 4 days ago, and I had no idea that she was pregnant until I picked her up today to hold her and a baby was hanging out of her!  She went on to have 10 pups.....but I have no idea what to do now.  I have read the information about not touching the pups until they are 14 days old and I know about separating them from the mother at 3 weeks then separating males from females after another 3 weeks, but I have no idea about how to handle the mother.  Can I touch her or hold her?  When I went to put her some food earlier, she picked up one of her pups with her mouth and she kept trying to put it in my hand but I didn't touch it cause I knew that it wasn't a good idea. And how long is the mother supposed to bleed for after she gives birth?

Hi Sandi,

First, I'm really glad you did your research!  That helps a lot :)

Now, let your hamster bond with her babies for a few days before you begin holding her.  When you do begin handling her again, handle her for only a few minutes at a time.  The babies will be anxious to have their mother back for food and warmth.

As far as the bleeding, it's normal for there to be spots of blood right after the birth.  Severe bleeding, however, is dangerous - if your hamster is bleeding severely, you should consult a vet.

You may want to give your hamster a little milk for protein and calcium.  She may also appreciate a plain dog bone, for calcium and to help file down her teeth.

Here's a website which will further help you "raise" your new pups!

(If you have Dwarf hamsters, there's a section for them as well.)

Happy New Year!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
