Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamsters Sleep Patterns

Hamsters Sleep Patterns

21 11:56:47

Hi Joanne
I would like to know what time of the day that hamsters sleep. I know that they sleep during the day but are they awake during some part of the day? I would like to get my sister a hamster but she doesnt want one, if she cant spend time with it.
Also what type of litter should you use for the hamster? I know that they cant have pine or cedar wood shavings. Would yesterdays news be okay for the hamster? Yesterdays News is like recycled paper that is ground up.

hi vanessa,

hamsters usually wake up between 4 ans 8pm. dont use newspapers as the ink is poisonous. non-scented, shredded toilet roll or cleanex is the best to use.

good luck and thank you for your question, please ask again if you need to.

joanne :)