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baby mouse losing hair on head

21 12:00:44

I found 2 baby mice on my back patio about 2 weeks ago, they appeared to be maybe 4-5 days old. One has since died but the other is doing very well. His eyes are open and he is starting to eat solid food. My concern is that now it looks like the fur/hair on his head is falling off He looks a bit bald on top and around the face. What is causing this and what can I do about it? I read somewhere something about mites, but he is alone in his cage and we have no other rodents. Any advice will be appreciated.
Thanks .

Wow, such a tiny young thing and a good person that you are to try to take care of them. Right now the one that's left is so young I am really afraid for you to try anything on him. What type of bedding are you using? Sometimes rodents can have a bad reaction to bedding and it can cause them to lose fur. Ceder and pine are known to cause hair loss in animals and sometimes aspen can too. How does his skin look? Does it look red and scaley or does it look normal and he's just bald? The thing is I would call a vet and see if it is okay to bring him into the vet to get looked at. Just because he's so young right now I'm not sure if the vet would be willing to give him some antibiotics or a shot if it's mites. I would consider buying some vitamin drops for small animals though. Since he's a field mouse and you've been taking care of him for a while he's going to need extra vitamins and nutrients since he hasn't had mothers milk.  I hope I have helped you out but you are doing great so far and you have done something very few can't do and that's keep a baby animal alive without its mother.