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21 13:30:04

Can hammies have plants to climb on or play with in there cage and also can i clean the cage when my hamster's babies are 2 weeks old? if so how do i remove them?

Dear Bradon,
thank you for your question.
You can put plants into the cage that you know for sure to be safe. Spider plants is the only houseplant I know that is perfectly safe for rodents. You can grow grass from hamster food or offer dandelion or daises in unfertilized soil, thtose are for eating as well as digging. For climbing, offer hardwood branches with leaves (oak, beech, birch, willow, hazel).
I would wait a bit longer with cleaning the whole cage, until the babies are three weeks old. At that time, they are self-dependent and need the mother only to learn from her, so any disturbances are tolerated a lot better than before when the babies were still mainly in the nest and dependent on their mother. The toilet corner can of course be cleaned at any time.
I hope I was of some help to you