Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > fat= babies???????????????

fat= babies???????????????

21 11:56:59

thanks alot i'll let u know if she does!
and i have 1 more question i am haveing a really hard time to tame my 2 gerbils!( they like to bite) any ideas
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I bought a girl gerbil (named blossom) 1 week and 3 days ago, and i noticed she is REALLY fat!  then 1 week later i bought another gerbil "a girl"but the store we got them from had boys and girls together ( is it possible for "her" to have babies?) and the person who worked there couldnt tell very good and LEFTed them up by there tails! (i think its a boy)..... so could blossom be in the mothering way?
Hi Dana,

It is possible if they kept boys and girls together that she maybe pregnant, particularly if she is very fat and feels lumpy underneath. If she does have babies just leave her totally alone, otherwise she will not look after them properly, ony open the cage to put food or water in. If she doesn't have babies in the next 3 weeks then she won't be pregnant!!

As to the store person who lifted the gerbil up by the tail, it was probably ok. You can lift gerbils up by the very base of their tails (near their body) but it is better not to if you are not used to doing it, as you can still easily pull part of the tail off if they struggle!!!

I hope this helps again!!

Hi Again,

Do they bite really hard, or just sort of test your finger?? Mine test my finger sometimes, i just blow quickly (but softly) on their face when they do it, to let them know not to, other than that i havent really found anything else which works yet. Picking them up frequently can help, so that they get totally used to you and your smell, and so that they know you won't hurt them!!

Hope this helps again,