Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Is he sick or just dying? Please help...

Is he sick or just dying? Please help...

21 11:11:54

I have a Teddybear hamster who is about 2 years old. A couple days ago, we found him barely breathing and curled up in his cage. I assumed him to be dying and while continuing to feed and water him, I was ready to accept his death. But he's held on for over 3 days now. He has a large, dark, seemingly bloody patch on his side, is extremely wobbly, appears disoriented, and can barely open his eyes. He's still drinking and eating. Is his body just shutting down, or is there something seriously wrong with him? I hate seeing him suffer...

Hi Samantha

I'm sorry to hear about your hamster.  It is very sad when this happens.  Hamsters (and other animals for that matter) have a really strong will to survive and often they just won't let go.  He is clearly dying and in some ways it is just a matter of time.  However, it does sound as though he is very ill.  The bloody patch could be a tumor that has ruptured (tumors are very common in hamsters of this age).  When hamsters are old and dying they can tremble a lot.  If he has a tumor then this could be putting pressure on his spine or internal organs which could be the reason for this wobbling and also disoriented behavior.

The kindest thing would be to get him to a vet - they will be able to assess the situation and advise whether or not they can just prescribe pain relief and let him die in his own time, or alternatively they may advise euthanasia.

I'm sorry to be saying this to you, but the important thing right now is making sure he isn't in any pain.  
