Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > dwarf hamsters hair

dwarf hamsters hair

21 13:29:34

I forgot to aske about my hamster's hair. I don't know ifher hair has a lot to do wit h sick, but i don't know iof i should worry about it. she is behaving normally. Very responsive, ( her poop is getting better) curios, she seems full of energy, and she drinks and eats normally. behimnd her neck it stands up a bit , and is a little bit sticky. She has been cleaning everywhere except there. I don't know if she can't reach it or is sick , or is just too lazy.


Hi Dave,

Sounds as if you don't really have anything to worry about.  Most hamsters' fur stands up on the back of their neck, especially if they have short fur to begin with.  If her fur becomes ruffled and dry looking (not shiny), and she starts acting listless, then you should take her to the vet.  Right now, you don't have anything to worry about :)

If you have any othe questions, please feel free to ask.
