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Cyst on my hamster! REALLY WORRIED

21 11:52:28

I have a male, two and a half year old, teddy bear hamster. He was very healthy all his life, but all of the sudden, he got a cyst, about the size of a large pencil eraser on his testicles. His left testicle feels much harder than the right one, and I hope he doesn't have a tumor. My parents don't really have the money to get big surgery. What can I do, and what do you think it is? Is he going to die? He is my first hamster, and I really love my "old man". PLEASE HELP!!!  

Well hamsters only live 2-4 years and it really does seem like he may have a tumor. There is really nothing you can do, he's really too old to have surgery because he may not make it out of anesthesia. You've already given him a good life and there isn't much you can do for him really. He has lived a long, good and happy life and you should be proud. ometimes giving them vitamin drops in their water can boost their energy level and it is good for them.