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Gerbil choice......

21 13:27:06

How do i know what kind of gerbil is right for me or picking one that isnt sick plz plz plz help me.

Well...That is an easy question for my first one, and I'm sure I have the answer.  Hear look for a Gerbil with a full coat, no patches or bare skin, make sure it has no bites or scratches, its eyes are clear nose and mouth are not runny, teeth are a managable size and not exploding out of its mouth *ingrown teeth-sign of lacking chewing*, make sure they are energenic.  The most important thing is your are sure you can commit yourself to one, have the time to love and care it, and its mate, You need 2 can be...2 males 2 females 1 male 1 female thats all I recomend in a 20 gallon tank if you only have a 5 or 10 gallon try dwarf hamsters they are sociable and need mates.  Another thing
DO NOT GET THEM FROM SEPRATE TANKS THEY WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!! try to get them when there around 6-8 weeks old from a local breeder and just love them, care for them, and enjoy

Keep me updated-Ed