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is baking soda gerbil safe?

21 13:31:53

Im looking for an affordable and safe method on keeping the smell of the gerbils to a minimum. I was wondering if baking soda is safe to sprinkle in the cage. If not, do you have any suggestions? We have 3 cages and 9 gerbils and they start to smell bad within a week after we clean their cage.
Thank you,
Melanie :)

Hi Melanie,

Gerbils have no smell if they are kept clean. Do not use cedar or pine bedding and that alone cuts smells down but also those beddings are deadly if used on any animal. Using corn cob bedding is a great way to keep cages clean and smell-less.

Does your water bottles leak? Oh, another suggestion is using old spagetti sauce jars, rince out well and give to your gerbils. They'll use them as a toilet. When they get dirty either clean out well or trash for a new one.
