Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > what do i do if my hamster is sick, if she is sneezing alot.

what do i do if my hamster is sick, if she is sneezing alot.

21 13:25:13



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Question -
name -cuddles
colour-brown and white
age- the people at the pet shop never told me
all i know she is baby and very small and cute lol

Answer -
Hi Reshma,

What type of bedding are you using?

hi i use woodshavings for the hamsters bedding thats what the people at the pet store gave me and said to me to use.
yesterday i did alot of researches on the net about my hamster and what i sould do.
on the net they said that hamsters can get colds from humans , i did have a cold and i think it might have got it from me, they said that it should recover in a few days, just put it in a warm and give it luke water, milk and honey, but i am not sure if i should do that, so can please have some advice. i could have just to taken it the vet but, it cost alot of money and its so expensive, so i thought apart from the vet what can i do to help my hamster get well.

yours faithful reshma

Hi Reshma,

My first concern would be the wood shavings. If the wood shavings contain ceder or pine in them that could be what is making your hamster sneeze. Ceder and pine shavings are very toxic to hamsters. The best bedding to use is  Aspen bedding. It will not harm your hamster. If your hamsters does have a cold, there really isn't much you can do. It just has to run it's course. I would suggest making sure he/she has plenty of fresh water and giving a small amout of diced apples and carrots ( about 4-5 peices of each ). Hopefully your hamster will start to feel better in 3-4 days.
If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question and best of luck to you and your hamster!