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my hamster was having babies

21 13:31:03

   so i went to go get my hamster out of her cage and there was some blood on the bedding so i  call my mom and showed her so she pick her up and look at her and inside the cage and there it was a baby hamster!
it wasn't alive or at least didn't look like it?
so then we were reading online an it said to live her alone and that she might eat her we left her alone.about 20 min later  i went back to look and she had another one! Then i went to sleep then i woke up and both of the babies were gone!?    So now its two days later and she hasn't had  any more?
so my question is could she still be in labor or did she eat them all?
                    Melissa  Hunt

Dear Melissa,
thank you for your question.
After two days your hamster won't be in labour any more. She has probably eaten the babies - this often happens with unexperienced hamster mothers. If the babies were not alive, the mother usually eats them, too (if she just left them, you would smell it by now).
It might be that the babies crawled out of the cage, but in that case they will be dead by now, too. Check the nest and the rest of the cage for the babies, just to be sure, but I don't think you will find them.
I hope I was of some help